Diego Berruecos — Lie together, die together
CATALOG UR073 — Released November 2014
Photos by Diego Berruecos.
20 pages
14 x 22 cm
Design by Daniel Castrejón.
Diego Berruecos was born in Mexico City. He studied photography in the Escuela Activa de Fotografía in Mexico City and has a BA in Photography from the London College of Printing. He has received grants from Jovenes Creadores (2007-2008) and the Programa de Arte Actual Bancomer/Carrillo Gil Mexico (2009-2010). His work has been exhibited recently at the Carrillo Gil Museum, the MUAC, the Amparo Museum,Tensta Konsthall in Sweden, The Americas Society in New York and the Musee D’art Moderne De La Ville De Paris/ARC.
Lie together, die together is a collection of images that work better as mental notes, sometimes just a reminder of a possible project to come, sometimes just falling for a strange aesthetic beauty. The memory images are at odds with photographic representation. From the latter’s perspective, memory images appear to be fragments —but only because photography does not encompass the meaning to which they refer and in relation to which they cease to be fragments—. Similarly, from the perspective of memory, photography appears as a jumble that consist partly of garbage.